Welcome !
This blog is for anyone who would like to read, be it on the Atkin's diet or not.
I have finally decided that enough is enough.
My name is Manda by the way if you are following this blog somehow randomly,
and I happen to be a type 2 diabetic with PCOS. I also follow that up with a chaser of high blood pressure, edema and other diabetic related issues. Lets throw high anxiety into the mix and I am a walking time bomb. Quite literally.
I debated on doing vlog's and debated some more but eventually decided that since writing has been my niche for so long that I would keep a progress log, collect some fans and go at it !
Let me give you some background.
I love carbohydrates, more so than the regular person I imagine and far more than one should be consuming in any given day. Over the past several months my snacking had gotten out of control and almost always contained carbohydrates. I would go for anything, chips and sandwiches being the biggest culprit. I have never been one for sweets but the carbohydrates made up for it.
So what is the big deal ? Other than being overweight, and carbohydrates putting on more unnecessary pounds, I will mention again that I have diabetes and PCOS.
What a lot of people don't know is that carbohydrates turn into sugar just at a slower rate, so even if you avoid sugar at all costs, you must avoid carbohydrates in large quantities as well.
The other evening I felt so sick I though I was going to die, quite literally. My husband did a quick check on my sugar and saw that it was "up there" and came at my ass intervention style. I agreed to seek treatment and began slowly tossing the carbohydrates to the side, limiting myself now for the past 3 days to fiber rich salads, as well as snacks of cheese and protein. I started to feel better and my sugar began to drop slowly.
I then gave myself some time to think about the diet changes and how I could make this a little more balance and regulated if you will. A diet change with guidelines to follow so that I would actually not only lower my blood sugar but also lose weight in the process, which would of course overall decrease my blood sugar levels.
I went to Wal-Mart last night and purchased The New Atkins For a New You.
So far I have skimmed through the book and have a sense of what needs to be done to make this work for me. I hit "like" on Atkins via Facebook and found words of encouragement from other Atkins dieters. I am pumped ! Seriously...Some of these folks were losing 60-100lbs in a year. This could be me....
Induction requires that you eat 20 net carbs over the course of the day, which for me is very scary being a consumer of carbohydrates and loving them literally like a fat kids loves cake is frightening even !
I am truly excited though to be starting out with this new outlook on eating.
Atkins has opened a new door for me and shed a little light on some hope for the future.
Please join me on my journey !
The first day of the rest of my life starts now.
Welcome to Induction.